Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Its Not Me!

Ok so in bible study i have given the word twice and after both of them i have had people coem up to me and tell me that I did godd or that the word spoke to them. To hear this makes me happy but Its not me. Its God and if you have ever shared the word then you know what I mean. When I'm giving the word I feel like God's spirit consumes me and he takes over. Its a feeling that its like no other. In both times that I have shared the word things have comeout of my mouth that I'm even like what the heck is that. Giving the word has blessed me alot it has made get closer to God and for me this is kind of scary because last year was an amazing year in my spiritual life I got closer to God like never before. In the begining of the year I had told God that I wanted to get more challenged this year I wanted to get closer to him and so far I have. I have been challed in my faith in school, home, and church and its amazing. One person that really helped me was Jessica and I want to thank You. If it wasnt for the devotional that you gave me for my birth day then I don't think I would be this strong in my faith. This book has challenge me in lots of ways. I also want to thank you for believing in me and for being tough on me because although I don't like it I learn from it. Your an amazing leader and an amazing friend. God is going to bless you soooooooooo much!!!!!!!!! I know that I don't say this to you alot but I Love You!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Its Been A While!

So the last time i was on here lots of things have happened! I almost got ranned over like 7 times. I got an accountability partner Perter! I gave the word twice in bible study and i have loved both the experience. I have fallen like 3 times cried like 2 and learned lots in school and about the word of God.

So this is what i'm going to do I'm going to write about all of these thing (or at least try to that a promise!)

Lets start with me getting ran over 7 times preatty cool experiences and a litle bit scary as well. Ok so I got my bike on the one day where Cindy had the event the Fun Night Thing. I didn't use it till the week after and i didn't start getting the problem of almost being ran over till early in the year. Ok so my first time was on my way to school I was in a hurry because the trady bell rings at 7:30 and I had left my house at 7:20 so there is a street by Nichos Pizza and as I was crossing this red truck didn't stop and it kept going. So i stoped and in my head I was like what an idiot. The rest are kind of the same and although I almost got ran over like 7 times i still ride fast.