Thursday, March 13, 2008


My sister Abigail had to do this autobiography and she wrote about different aspects of her life

She read me one paragraph that talked about my mom and me. It was touching because she talked how my mom has always been there for her and has been her strength. My mom and my sister aren't best friends my sister doesn't go to her when she wants to talk so for my sister to say this is big. Then she wrote how I was like the father she never had and that i would give her strength.

Funny thing about that is that she has been someone that gives me strength. Not many understand my sister because people always give up on her or they just jump to conclusions of she is just like that or she has a bad attitude. My sister is a very special girl i learn from her as much as she learns from me.

When people tell her why can you be more like your brother or your brother doesn't act like that the thing her name is not German her name is Abigail. She isn't going to act like me or talk like me because she is not me.

Things that i admire about my sister is that she is honest. My sister my not be transparent with God but she is transparent with others and when she starts to be transparent with God she will be more amazing.