That's how we sometimes are. Acting like someone that we are not and when I saw this picture it reminded me of that. Why do we try to hide the real us? Why do we try to impress that girl, guy, group of people or whatever other people or things we try to impress that we start acting like Venom.
Not only those this happen in the our physical lives but in our spiritual lives. We hear a lot about people who claim that are "Christians" but that act a totally different way. What about the ones that are Christian and that they don't try to pretend but they go with the crowd and they never say that they believe. This is where walking with God gets hard when you have to choose between God or the world and although we say that we would take God but It's a hard decision to make. When we try to be both part of the world and part of God is when we start struggling. In the Bible Jesus says that you cannot serve to masters you will either love one and hate the other. This means that if we pick God and we choose to love him we will have an amazing life it might be tough but it will be worth it. That's the good side of the decision but others will pick to hate God and to love the world and I know that this sounds hash or whatever but that's how it is.
So think about it what side are you on the world's or God's?
The Choice is yours I can't make it for you, your friends can't make it for you, your family can't make it for you, and God can't make it for you!